We made it here to Brooks safely! yay! The drive to Calgary was great, just a little rain but it was OK. We met dad at Peter's Drive-In and Grit had her first Peter's Milkshake....damn those are good!
When we finally got to Brooks, there was quite a large storm brewing, and by 11:00pm...everything started to go a little crazy... things started to shake, hail started coming down, winds started blowing, and I started to get a wee little scared....
The next morning Dad heard that the old house we used to live in and the houses surrounding were PUMMELLED by hail to the point of ripping siding off the houses, breaking windows, pulling trees out of the ground, and scaring the hell of a lot of people! There are reports of milions of dollars of damage to the area (as per CTV news) but the biggest thing is how long it is going to take to get contractors to fix everything... yikes!
Moving on...
Canada Day morning, I couldn't make it to Elbow Falls like I have been for the past 4 years (save for last year, being on ships) because I was in Brooks... so I thought I would go out to Dinosaur Park with Grit... she was blown away! She didnt want to leave lol! I got some good pics too! (I have posted some pics below, but most are from Grits camera because my dad's PC cant post RAW files).
I have also been helping my dad build his deck, and we have been having a blast doing it! I dont think it will be done before I leave, but we have done a LOT, and it was so much fun!
Ok, enough for the random post, I'll get the pics up now and hopefully I will think of something cool to write soon!
love ya!