Sunday, October 15, 2006

Calgary Trip Possibly this Week!

Hey everyone!

Grit left yesterday for home (Germany) and I got a call today at 4pm saying she made it home safe....her luggage though, is still either in Vancouver or London.... the funny thing is, so is everyone else's luggage from that flight lol. Go British Airways Go! They must have found some Atomic Toothpaste or maybe some Explosive Water....sheesh.

Ok so now the house is VERY empty and boring, but its giving me time to get certain things done, and plan my trip to Calgary! I am thinking of coming this Thursday or so, and maybe spending a few days in Brooks with my Dad, and then Monday or so coming back to Calgary to visit for a few days. Is anything going on in Calgary in the next week or two? Anyone wanting a coffee or a pint O' the good stuff? A few of you I already have spoken to, and some want coffee, some want clubbin, either I am ok with. I just want to BE in Calgary for one. I haven't been there since the first few days of January, so I have quite a few things I have planned for just me walking around alone. I might want to do an Elbow Falls run if anyone is interested. This year was the first Canada Day that I haven't gone to Elbow Falls for sunrise pics in...4 years is it? Correct me if I am wrong for those of you who know lol.

It will be nice to just BE in CowTown. Walking around Chinook Mall, Jogging down Centre St Bridge, Sayin Hi to the gang NorthLand Mall Future Shop, Delivering Pizzas around the University (ok maybe not the last one lol). I probably wont see Calgary for another 6 months to a year because I am heading out back to the ships in November so I gotta make it a good trip :)

Lookin forward to seeing you Calgary!

My last view of Calgary as I was on the plane for White Rock BC in January 06.


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