Hey all! I just wanted to quickly mention that my new Photography blog is up and running! It will be paired up with my new Photography website (coming VERY soon!), but I thought I would at least throw the link for the blog on here for the time being! I will still be posting here every now and then, I just needed something to throw on some business stuff, sorta like a "News" page....
here's the link to the new blog:
Michael Wachniak Blog-ographer
Rock on, World! Rock on!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
"Redneck Spacehelmet" Wins By A Landslide!!!

I cant believe I won!!!
I entered a pumpkin carving contest held by BluDomain last night, in hopes to win one of the 3 Prizes: a free website template for my photography portfolio. These guys' websites are amazing, but a little out of my price range for the moment.... so I JUMPED at the chance to win a free one....
they mentioned that they would announce the winners at midnight last night so I waited, and waited...and WAITED some more.... at 2am they said "winners will be posted at noon tomorrow"
...not impressed....
so I woke up today (11am White Rock time)....RAN to the computer...
....there was my photo.... I WON!! I was 1 of 3 winners out of over 500 entries!!!
My whole family pounced on me when I ran upstairs, and Grit is so proud that "she was the photographer for the winning photo" lol Thanks babe!!! :)
so stay tuned on http://www.michaelwachniak.com/ in the next few weeks for some REAL BIG changes :)
Friday, October 05, 2007
Best Friend Engaged!
Hey everyone, long time no talk! I was in Calgary last week picking up a car I bought from my best friend Ben, and while I was there I had the privelage of photographing him and his new fiance's engagement session. The day was perfect, the setting was perfect, and it was a real honor to be the one to capture this moment in time. If you told me 14 years ago when Ben and I became friends that I would be shooting this, I'd probably laugh at you and continue to read "How to Become A RockStar". We've both come a long way I suppose.
Photographing people as in love as these guys clearly are, its hard to remember that I am actually working. Aren't you supposed to hate your job? ;)
Congradulations, Ben and Katherine!

Photographing people as in love as these guys clearly are, its hard to remember that I am actually working. Aren't you supposed to hate your job? ;)
Congradulations, Ben and Katherine!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
My 15 Seconds of Fame - Part 1

During my time at home after getting off the ships in April, I have been in quite a few shows around the Vancouver area as a background extra. The gigs are pretty sweet, you dont do anything except sit outside in the sun and read or listen to music or chat with everyone, and then run to set - do your 1 hour of work (usually consisting of walking...thats it), and then go home. At the end of the day you are paid usually a hundred bucks or so, and if you are lucky you show up for a few seconds on the shot instead of being thrown to the cutting room floor. Either way though, like I said its really only tiny gigs that I am going for.... I might be able to point out the blur in the background as me , but usually I wont be able to prove it :)
In any case, they are now all finally surfacing on TV, this being the first one. This is a screenshot of a "Psych" episode...funny show...it usually airs Fridays. Its filmed down on the White Rock Pier and the location is supposed to be set in Santa Barbara, California. Go figure :).
Anyhoo... that stud-muffin in the back left wearing a pink shirt (yes pink shirt) is me. Like I said, I play a "blur" on television....at least you can recognize that hot ass as me :) You could tell the walk too if you saw the show.... Apparantly I think my shit dont stink :)
In any case, they are now all finally surfacing on TV, this being the first one. This is a screenshot of a "Psych" episode...funny show...it usually airs Fridays. Its filmed down on the White Rock Pier and the location is supposed to be set in Santa Barbara, California. Go figure :).
Anyhoo... that stud-muffin in the back left wearing a pink shirt (yes pink shirt) is me. Like I said, I play a "blur" on television....at least you can recognize that hot ass as me :) You could tell the walk too if you saw the show.... Apparantly I think my shit dont stink :)
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Tornados, Canada Day, building the deck, and Dinosaur Park
Happy belated Canada Day! =)
We made it here to Brooks safely! yay! The drive to Calgary was great, just a little rain but it was OK. We met dad at Peter's Drive-In and Grit had her first Peter's Milkshake....damn those are good!
When we finally got to Brooks, there was quite a large storm brewing, and by 11:00pm...everything started to go a little crazy... things started to shake, hail started coming down, winds started blowing, and I started to get a wee little scared....
The next morning Dad heard that the old house we used to live in and the houses surrounding were PUMMELLED by hail to the point of ripping siding off the houses, breaking windows, pulling trees out of the ground, and scaring the hell of a lot of people! There are reports of milions of dollars of damage to the area (as per CTV news) but the biggest thing is how long it is going to take to get contractors to fix everything... yikes!
Moving on...
Canada Day morning, I couldn't make it to Elbow Falls like I have been for the past 4 years (save for last year, being on ships) because I was in Brooks... so I thought I would go out to Dinosaur Park with Grit... she was blown away! She didnt want to leave lol! I got some good pics too! (I have posted some pics below, but most are from Grits camera because my dad's PC cant post RAW files).
I have also been helping my dad build his deck, and we have been having a blast doing it! I dont think it will be done before I leave, but we have done a LOT, and it was so much fun!
Ok, enough for the random post, I'll get the pics up now and hopefully I will think of something cool to write soon!
love ya!
This is one of the houses damaged from the severe thunderstorm in Brooks, AB July 29th 2007
This is our old house, and one of our trees lying in the middle of the road.
Dinosaur Park on Canada Day!
This is an amazing photo Grit took just as we were leaving Dinosaur Park. You go girl!
Grit relaxing and soaking up the view at Dinosaur Park.
Dad and I....building the deck ;)
The deck is coming along!!
We made it here to Brooks safely! yay! The drive to Calgary was great, just a little rain but it was OK. We met dad at Peter's Drive-In and Grit had her first Peter's Milkshake....damn those are good!
When we finally got to Brooks, there was quite a large storm brewing, and by 11:00pm...everything started to go a little crazy... things started to shake, hail started coming down, winds started blowing, and I started to get a wee little scared....
The next morning Dad heard that the old house we used to live in and the houses surrounding were PUMMELLED by hail to the point of ripping siding off the houses, breaking windows, pulling trees out of the ground, and scaring the hell of a lot of people! There are reports of milions of dollars of damage to the area (as per CTV news) but the biggest thing is how long it is going to take to get contractors to fix everything... yikes!
Moving on...
Canada Day morning, I couldn't make it to Elbow Falls like I have been for the past 4 years (save for last year, being on ships) because I was in Brooks... so I thought I would go out to Dinosaur Park with Grit... she was blown away! She didnt want to leave lol! I got some good pics too! (I have posted some pics below, but most are from Grits camera because my dad's PC cant post RAW files).
I have also been helping my dad build his deck, and we have been having a blast doing it! I dont think it will be done before I leave, but we have done a LOT, and it was so much fun!
Ok, enough for the random post, I'll get the pics up now and hopefully I will think of something cool to write soon!
love ya!

Thursday, June 28, 2007
YeeHaaw!! Calgary-bound!
Well, its almost time to pack for Calgary! Grit's doing her suitcase now, and I will raid the closet shortly after her... we are leaving tomorrow morning at 5am for CowTown!
We were checking prices of flights a week or so ago, and to our demise we were looking at a gruelling $220 bucks each!!! ONE WAY!!!! HELLLL NO!!! So, we sat and thought, and thought and sat, and sat and thought some more.... days went by, and still nothing......Then we thought of something: what if we could catch a ride with someone, even a perfect stranger, and just pay for gas (and pray there were no assrapings that followed!).... but how could we find somone like that? Then it struck us like a ton of bricks....
.....and on the fifth day, God created Craigslist. And it was good.
After only a few hours of posting our ad, we had a lead! and then another! and another!
Hopefully we weeded out all the serial killers... because we leave tomorrow in an unknown Dodge Caravan, with an unknown couple... :)
its not that we couldnt afford the flights, we just cant justify spending all that money when we could get there cheaper AND with a slightly better adventure in the meantime!
Now Grit can see the mountains, and hell, maybe there will be enough adventures this vacation to light a spark under my ass to write some more on my blog LOL
We are getting picked up by my dad tomorrow night in calgary, and heading straight to brooks until the 6th, and then we are coming up to calgary for the stampede July 6th - July 13th, and then heading to my 10 year high school reunion.... UGH!
The stampede is gonna rock, and I am glad that I have a few photo gigs to do while I am in Calgary!
I will keep everyone posted, and I hope to see or hear from some of you guys while I am there!
talk soon!
We were checking prices of flights a week or so ago, and to our demise we were looking at a gruelling $220 bucks each!!! ONE WAY!!!! HELLLL NO!!! So, we sat and thought, and thought and sat, and sat and thought some more.... days went by, and still nothing......Then we thought of something: what if we could catch a ride with someone, even a perfect stranger, and just pay for gas (and pray there were no assrapings that followed!).... but how could we find somone like that? Then it struck us like a ton of bricks....
.....and on the fifth day, God created Craigslist. And it was good.
After only a few hours of posting our ad, we had a lead! and then another! and another!
Hopefully we weeded out all the serial killers... because we leave tomorrow in an unknown Dodge Caravan, with an unknown couple... :)
its not that we couldnt afford the flights, we just cant justify spending all that money when we could get there cheaper AND with a slightly better adventure in the meantime!
Now Grit can see the mountains, and hell, maybe there will be enough adventures this vacation to light a spark under my ass to write some more on my blog LOL
We are getting picked up by my dad tomorrow night in calgary, and heading straight to brooks until the 6th, and then we are coming up to calgary for the stampede July 6th - July 13th, and then heading to my 10 year high school reunion.... UGH!
The stampede is gonna rock, and I am glad that I have a few photo gigs to do while I am in Calgary!
I will keep everyone posted, and I hope to see or hear from some of you guys while I am there!
talk soon!
Friday, June 01, 2007
Shhhh, its a secret...
Hey all! How goes the battle?
I've been working on the 'photo-business' over the past while... finding clients for weddings, portraits, pet photography..etc. and I have also been assisting this amazing photographer in Vancouver. I have become great friends with him (please dont insert Brokeback Mountain theme here...'why cant i quit you?!!!! ' lol) he has taught me a great deal and has actually sent a few jobs my way so that is great. I have also been doing some movie work (background extras) just to kill time... I have been on an episode of "Psych", "PainkillerJane" and "Kyle XY" since I have been back home... I was called out today for "Stargate: Atlantis" but sadly...didnt have the car lol... oh well.
I have also been reading "The Secret" ....for those of you who don't know what this book/film/phenomenon is, I'll explain: You (yes you) actually create your life. If you want a million bucks, you feel it, and you get a million bucks. If you want love, you imagine it, and you get Love.
Essentially: You think...therefore you are.
what a powerful book... almost too powerful actually, it has scared me on more than a few occasions now.
Just to prove a point, I am going to write down something here today and you will see how quickly it materializes into my life... the last few tests have been almost 'twilight zone' scarey....
I have been kinda scattered lately as to what I want my focus in Photography to be on... then I thought that since I love everything, why dont I become a photojournalist... without the schooling haha. So I emailed some friends who are photojournalists (one was a photographer for the Olympics in Athens, and the other works for The Canadian Press) and asked them for advice. I also looked up some stock agencies for Press photos...and even passed the test on Getty Images' site. Now all I have to do is upload some samples, but you only get one shot so I wanna do some new ones and then send some... I want the photos to be FRESH.
So....for my little 'Secret' test... I have told the Universe that I AM a Famous Photojournalist, and I LOVE my life and my job and my family, and I have an abundance of everything I could ever possibly want and need.
So let it be.
Thank you, Universe ;)
I've been working on the 'photo-business' over the past while... finding clients for weddings, portraits, pet photography..etc. and I have also been assisting this amazing photographer in Vancouver. I have become great friends with him (please dont insert Brokeback Mountain theme here...'why cant i quit you?!!!! ' lol) he has taught me a great deal and has actually sent a few jobs my way so that is great. I have also been doing some movie work (background extras) just to kill time... I have been on an episode of "Psych", "PainkillerJane" and "Kyle XY" since I have been back home... I was called out today for "Stargate: Atlantis" but sadly...didnt have the car lol... oh well.
I have also been reading "The Secret" ....for those of you who don't know what this book/film/phenomenon is, I'll explain: You (yes you) actually create your life. If you want a million bucks, you feel it, and you get a million bucks. If you want love, you imagine it, and you get Love.
Essentially: You think...therefore you are.
what a powerful book... almost too powerful actually, it has scared me on more than a few occasions now.
Just to prove a point, I am going to write down something here today and you will see how quickly it materializes into my life... the last few tests have been almost 'twilight zone' scarey....
I have been kinda scattered lately as to what I want my focus in Photography to be on... then I thought that since I love everything, why dont I become a photojournalist... without the schooling haha. So I emailed some friends who are photojournalists (one was a photographer for the Olympics in Athens, and the other works for The Canadian Press) and asked them for advice. I also looked up some stock agencies for Press photos...and even passed the test on Getty Images' site. Now all I have to do is upload some samples, but you only get one shot so I wanna do some new ones and then send some... I want the photos to be FRESH.
So....for my little 'Secret' test... I have told the Universe that I AM a Famous Photojournalist, and I LOVE my life and my job and my family, and I have an abundance of everything I could ever possibly want and need.
So let it be.
Thank you, Universe ;)
Friday, May 18, 2007
I've been Minimoys'd!!!
I'm gonna get right down to it...
When I was young, there were only really two movies in my life:
"Labyrinth", and "The Dark Crystal"
Everyone my age, and I mean EVERYONE my age or older knows these movies... and when mentioned nowadays, you dont get a "ya, i saw it.... good movie'.... you get a 'OHHH YAAAAAA' followed by some rendition of 'You remind me of the babe, what babe? the babe of the power...etc'
if you dont know that quote...stop now... you dont belong here... go watch your Yu-gi-oh...
anyways, I have watched these 2 movies my entire life, I own them both, and the one thing that really got me was how universal these movies were... it wasnt just an American or Canadian thing. I brought them on all 3 ships I worked on, and I have watched them countless times with South Africans, Australians, English, Scottish, Argentinian, Chillian?, German, Irish (with Guiness I might add)...the list goes on...
...and then it got to me... and I am going to sound like a Grandpa right now so cover your ears...
...they just dont make movies like they used to...
More specifically, Childrens Movies, or fantasy sans the sci-fi part of it... there has not been one movie I have seen since Labryinth and The Dark Crystal in that kind of genre that has made me feel in ANY way like I felt while watching those two... at all!
...untill now...
enter: "Arthur and The Invisibles"
me and my mom rented it on a whim the other day, and when we sat down to watch it we were immediately hooked. First of all, The Invisibles LOOK like Gelflings from The Dark Crystal!! I was amazed! They were computer animated, but hey...No one can do what Henson did anymore. Secondly, guess who plays the bad guy?! none other than the Goblin King himself, Mr. David Bowie! Hark, have they just combined my two favorite movies into one?!
Please? yes. yes I am :)
Now, if they can make a sequal, and throw something in from The Pirate Movie, Caveman, The Three Amigos, and Spaceballs.... I can narrow my favorite movies list down to one! :)
(but those really arent kids movies...are they?) =)
When I was young, there were only really two movies in my life:
"Labyrinth", and "The Dark Crystal"
Everyone my age, and I mean EVERYONE my age or older knows these movies... and when mentioned nowadays, you dont get a "ya, i saw it.... good movie'.... you get a 'OHHH YAAAAAA' followed by some rendition of 'You remind me of the babe, what babe? the babe of the power...etc'
if you dont know that quote...stop now... you dont belong here... go watch your Yu-gi-oh...
anyways, I have watched these 2 movies my entire life, I own them both, and the one thing that really got me was how universal these movies were... it wasnt just an American or Canadian thing. I brought them on all 3 ships I worked on, and I have watched them countless times with South Africans, Australians, English, Scottish, Argentinian, Chillian?, German, Irish (with Guiness I might add)...the list goes on...
...and then it got to me... and I am going to sound like a Grandpa right now so cover your ears...
...they just dont make movies like they used to...
More specifically, Childrens Movies, or fantasy sans the sci-fi part of it... there has not been one movie I have seen since Labryinth and The Dark Crystal in that kind of genre that has made me feel in ANY way like I felt while watching those two... at all!
...untill now...
enter: "Arthur and The Invisibles"
me and my mom rented it on a whim the other day, and when we sat down to watch it we were immediately hooked. First of all, The Invisibles LOOK like Gelflings from The Dark Crystal!! I was amazed! They were computer animated, but hey...No one can do what Henson did anymore. Secondly, guess who plays the bad guy?! none other than the Goblin King himself, Mr. David Bowie! Hark, have they just combined my two favorite movies into one?!
Please? yes. yes I am :)
Now, if they can make a sequal, and throw something in from The Pirate Movie, Caveman, The Three Amigos, and Spaceballs.... I can narrow my favorite movies list down to one! :)
(but those really arent kids movies...are they?) =)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
13 GIGapixel image... yes, thats what I said!
Ok, this is for all of you photo-geeks out there...
this guy in Harlem, New York combined 2045 images and created an UBERSIZED 13 Gigapixel image... the resolution is 279,689 x 46,901 pixels .. It took them 1 day to process the photos, and 46 hours more to render the image....
...i think i just peed a little.
..and what does all of this proove?
Nothing....absolutely nothing.
But its cool, and if you have some time, check it out and play around with it. You can zoom in to anything in the photo and the detail is crazy! It takes some time, but be patient, its well worth the wait! Don't forget to look at the main window on the top left corner to see how much you have actually zoomed in... its amazing!
this guy in Harlem, New York combined 2045 images and created an UBERSIZED 13 Gigapixel image... the resolution is 279,689 x 46,901 pixels .. It took them 1 day to process the photos, and 46 hours more to render the image....
...i think i just peed a little.
..and what does all of this proove?
Nothing....absolutely nothing.
But its cool, and if you have some time, check it out and play around with it. You can zoom in to anything in the photo and the detail is crazy! It takes some time, but be patient, its well worth the wait! Don't forget to look at the main window on the top left corner to see how much you have actually zoomed in... its amazing!
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Michael Wachniak Photographer: New Site
It is an honor and a privelage to announce my new and improved portfolio website. I am now officially home, officially rested, and officially available worldwide for photojournalistic coverage on weddings, portraits, and any other events.

click logo to enter website
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Pull the damn cord, Mikey!!!!

Its no surprise that I injured myself just moments after this photo was taken...
but what a cool photo, n'est pas? :)
I've been working my tushie off this past two weeks I have been home...my God has it been two weeks already?! I have also been on this computer many hours each day trying to finish my new site, I am really surprised that I havent added anything on my blog in the process.... but there you have it lol. The new site will be up this week sometime...and it really isnt anything special, its just a little more full and rounded.... rather than just a portfolio, there are services, prices, CURRENT contact info (haha...guess i should update my address from calgary lol). I have added a storefront, where you can (for real this time) purchase my fine art prints! Not only that, but as your photographer, I am also adding the service of making your photos available for viewing online with your own login and password, so you and your family/friends can view AND purchase photos online from a very reputable third party company! On the wedding side of things, I am adding the option of canvas prints AND Leatherbound Photo albums courtesy of the hard working individuals at www.willowbook.com I have a lot of people on my side of the line this time, helping me out...the team is literally growing daily...it feels good :)
new camera equipment, new site, new business cards (thanks, Charles! lol), new advertising campaign...
...same great taste :)
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Been home since the 18th!
...still hibernating, i am fighting a cold, i miss the guys and gals on the ship but i am glad to be home...
things look promising here on land, i just gotta do some more research and get better of course hahaha
give me a shout ok?
things look promising here on land, i just gotta do some more research and get better of course hahaha
give me a shout ok?
Thursday, April 05, 2007
The one about the Camera
So, I am sitting here in the Grand Cayman internet cafe... Kyla, Thomas, Matt, Richard, and Linda to my right... typing on a computer where only 10 or so days before I was sitting in this exact same spot making faces with Grit to my mom on the webcam... and now Grit is safely at home probably sleeping in my new King sized bed...stress free...waiting only 13 more days for me to come home... and only 2 more formal nights...
and now I have a new camera :)
Get this: everywhere I look this damn camera has been $1899US...so when i found it duty and tax free in Grand Cayman for $1750.. I shit myself...
and after waiting and waiting and finally getting the email telling me its in stock..
I daresay I shat again :)
Therefore I am sure its no surprise to you that I shat a third and hopefully final time when I grabbed up the posse today, went to the store, finally TOUCHED a Fuji S5pro... "MY" Fuji S5 Pro.....
and then the lady said 'minus your Crew discount.....'
expected: $1750 paid: $1661
I danced outside after the transaction was made (and firmly gripped the bag as Thomas, Matt, Linda, Kyla, and Richard all attempted to mugme at the same time)
13 more days in the Carribbean...
Then I go home. No Shit.
and now I have a new camera :)
Get this: everywhere I look this damn camera has been $1899US...so when i found it duty and tax free in Grand Cayman for $1750.. I shit myself...
and after waiting and waiting and finally getting the email telling me its in stock..
I daresay I shat again :)
Therefore I am sure its no surprise to you that I shat a third and hopefully final time when I grabbed up the posse today, went to the store, finally TOUCHED a Fuji S5pro... "MY" Fuji S5 Pro.....
and then the lady said 'minus your Crew discount.....'
expected: $1750 paid: $1661
I danced outside after the transaction was made (and firmly gripped the bag as Thomas, Matt, Linda, Kyla, and Richard all attempted to mugme at the same time)
13 more days in the Carribbean...
Then I go home. No Shit.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Grit going to my mom's, 20 days to go for me, where's my %&*@! camera, and employee of the MONTH??
Well, now that the internet has been put back on in the ship, I can update again :)
so... much has happened since my last post... Grit has officially quit as a Steiner (down with the hellish company!) and as I type this she is flying somewhere between Toronto and Vancouver!!! She has opted to go home 20 days earlier than me, to stay at my mom's house, and hibernate WITHOUT alarm clocks and hair appointments until I come home on April 18th...
Lucky Lucky Lucky :|
It was a major pain in the ass to get everything sorted out... but she is finally on her way... oh, also: Kylie (steiner from australia) has also quit and gone to Canada WITH Grit, and will be staying with at my moms for a night and then heading to Whistler for a job interview at a spa :)
again, down with Steiner... you suck very much.... and its not just my opinion, its many many many peoples opinions... if I had to choose between working for Steiner, and getting kicked in the plums by a marathon runner with stilettos.... I'd spread my legs and grit my teeth.
In other news: Can SOMEONE please tell me where the hell to find a Fuji S5 Camera Body????? there, I said it, thats the camera.. Its the Nikon D200 but with Fuji Insides.... yes, I am going Nikon.... do research on the Fuji S5 and find out why. Plus, I know the Nikons now more than My own Canon :) I updated the For Sale sign around the ship tonight for my camera and I have my pager on at all times... It will be sold, OH YES, it will be sold...
But the funny thing is, theres a whole lot of nostalgia with my 10D... so many good roadtrips with some of the best friends I have ever had...
now in some weird weird unforseen news....
i was told today by my manager that I have been nominated for employee of the month... sounds cool eh? now, add on the fact that there are only 12 people nominated each month....out of over 800...
talk about a good way to leave a contract! even if i dont win it (and i expect some hard working, well deserving philippeno to get it instead... kudos in advance), i get a photo with the captain and psd, and a certificate of 'you almost made it!' :)
damn... yay me!
now, to sum up:
if everything goes to plan, in 20 days i will be home, driving in the rocky mountains taking photos with my new camera, with my 'employee of the month' photo framed in my back seat :)
roadtrip? roadtrip.
so... much has happened since my last post... Grit has officially quit as a Steiner (down with the hellish company!) and as I type this she is flying somewhere between Toronto and Vancouver!!! She has opted to go home 20 days earlier than me, to stay at my mom's house, and hibernate WITHOUT alarm clocks and hair appointments until I come home on April 18th...
Lucky Lucky Lucky :|
It was a major pain in the ass to get everything sorted out... but she is finally on her way... oh, also: Kylie (steiner from australia) has also quit and gone to Canada WITH Grit, and will be staying with at my moms for a night and then heading to Whistler for a job interview at a spa :)
again, down with Steiner... you suck very much.... and its not just my opinion, its many many many peoples opinions... if I had to choose between working for Steiner, and getting kicked in the plums by a marathon runner with stilettos.... I'd spread my legs and grit my teeth.
In other news: Can SOMEONE please tell me where the hell to find a Fuji S5 Camera Body????? there, I said it, thats the camera.. Its the Nikon D200 but with Fuji Insides.... yes, I am going Nikon.... do research on the Fuji S5 and find out why. Plus, I know the Nikons now more than My own Canon :) I updated the For Sale sign around the ship tonight for my camera and I have my pager on at all times... It will be sold, OH YES, it will be sold...
But the funny thing is, theres a whole lot of nostalgia with my 10D... so many good roadtrips with some of the best friends I have ever had...
now in some weird weird unforseen news....
i was told today by my manager that I have been nominated for employee of the month... sounds cool eh? now, add on the fact that there are only 12 people nominated each month....out of over 800...
talk about a good way to leave a contract! even if i dont win it (and i expect some hard working, well deserving philippeno to get it instead... kudos in advance), i get a photo with the captain and psd, and a certificate of 'you almost made it!' :)
damn... yay me!
now, to sum up:
if everything goes to plan, in 20 days i will be home, driving in the rocky mountains taking photos with my new camera, with my 'employee of the month' photo framed in my back seat :)
roadtrip? roadtrip.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Out of a Coma, 29 days to Go, and you wouldn't believe it if I told you...
Well Holy Shit... its a new blog entry.
I slipped into a coma there for a while, days blended into each other, blinking meant entire 10 days cruises were gone, and every click of the shutter button spiraled me further and further into a deep state of .....
catch my drift? Much has happened, obviously as every day on ships is a week and every week is a month and so on and what have you.... and yet, with 29 days to go before I meander home... I really have nothing coming to mind to mention...
Havent done many shore excursions, and nothing exciting at work either... I have come to the conclusion that the last 1.5 months of our contracts here we all tend to do the same thing: sleep during the times when we can get off the ship in port, do laundry instead of going to the crewbar, watching movies and hanging out in the corridor instead of partying, going to restaurants and internet cafe's in port rather than 4x4-ing or snorkelling or suntanning...
we are winding down. and we all feel it. 8 of the 12 or so photographers are all leaving within 1-3 cruises from each other, so we are ALL doing this...
Including tonight, 6 more formal nights to go :)
*insert sigh of relief here*
oh, one big thing before I go... (other than I promise that I will update a few times a week from now on... busy bit is out of the way), I am finally upgrading my camera kit.... and if you know any ounce of me in any way, you wouldn't believe what I am upgrading to even if i told you. And yes mom, for the record i will STILL be coming home with a significant amount of money saved up. WAY more than the 300 bucks last time :)
Til the next time, see y'all in the next cartoon!
I slipped into a coma there for a while, days blended into each other, blinking meant entire 10 days cruises were gone, and every click of the shutter button spiraled me further and further into a deep state of .....
catch my drift? Much has happened, obviously as every day on ships is a week and every week is a month and so on and what have you.... and yet, with 29 days to go before I meander home... I really have nothing coming to mind to mention...
Havent done many shore excursions, and nothing exciting at work either... I have come to the conclusion that the last 1.5 months of our contracts here we all tend to do the same thing: sleep during the times when we can get off the ship in port, do laundry instead of going to the crewbar, watching movies and hanging out in the corridor instead of partying, going to restaurants and internet cafe's in port rather than 4x4-ing or snorkelling or suntanning...
we are winding down. and we all feel it. 8 of the 12 or so photographers are all leaving within 1-3 cruises from each other, so we are ALL doing this...
Including tonight, 6 more formal nights to go :)
*insert sigh of relief here*
oh, one big thing before I go... (other than I promise that I will update a few times a week from now on... busy bit is out of the way), I am finally upgrading my camera kit.... and if you know any ounce of me in any way, you wouldn't believe what I am upgrading to even if i told you. And yes mom, for the record i will STILL be coming home with a significant amount of money saved up. WAY more than the 300 bucks last time :)
Til the next time, see y'all in the next cartoon!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Photographer for Hire?
So Grit and I have been talking, and we are thinking that it may be time to leave the shiplife soon. MAYBE!! We are just looking at what is coming after we leave, whats the next step and so on... Her and I are sitting in an internet cafe in the Cayman Islands right now, each roaming the Online-Universe, each in our own private Dell-brand Spacecrafts, hunting for answers.... aka 'cruisin the net'.
i have a list in front of me which i have compiled over the past few days, everything ranging from 'email Jason about the june 23rd wedding', to 'locate and price out german lessons around white rock area', even to 'working permit information for Grit to work in Canada'.... the list goes on. I have stock photo sites I have to inquire about, MANY photographers around Vancouver area that I have to get back to, and find out where the hell in the world Szymon is :) (photog friend from the pacific sky...this dude's been literally 'hammocking it' in the south pacific in Vanuatu for the last 5 months or more... lucky bastard haha)...
Grit's beside me searching up Hair Stylist and photographer jobs in Europe on river cruises... paid in Euros, less stress... makes sense.
So I will keep you all posted as we think of whats going on next... I guess what will most likely happen is that we will come to Canada and I will look for various Photo jobs here and there... possibly get a spot in a Vancouver Gallery for some of my pics from the road... some kind of 'upcoming artist' thing or something...
If anyone knows of anybody needing a wedding/portrait/anything photographer give me a hollar ok? I know I get 30+ hits on the site from the U.S.A. so that goes for you guys as well ok? You are only a hop skip and a jump away if you consider how far I have travelled in the past year... If you guys need a photographer, (especially a good lookin' one with an even better looking German girlfriend hahahahaha) give us a shout ok? send it to info@michaelwachniak.com
i have a list in front of me which i have compiled over the past few days, everything ranging from 'email Jason about the june 23rd wedding', to 'locate and price out german lessons around white rock area', even to 'working permit information for Grit to work in Canada'.... the list goes on. I have stock photo sites I have to inquire about, MANY photographers around Vancouver area that I have to get back to, and find out where the hell in the world Szymon is :) (photog friend from the pacific sky...this dude's been literally 'hammocking it' in the south pacific in Vanuatu for the last 5 months or more... lucky bastard haha)...
Grit's beside me searching up Hair Stylist and photographer jobs in Europe on river cruises... paid in Euros, less stress... makes sense.
So I will keep you all posted as we think of whats going on next... I guess what will most likely happen is that we will come to Canada and I will look for various Photo jobs here and there... possibly get a spot in a Vancouver Gallery for some of my pics from the road... some kind of 'upcoming artist' thing or something...
If anyone knows of anybody needing a wedding/portrait/anything photographer give me a hollar ok? I know I get 30+ hits on the site from the U.S.A. so that goes for you guys as well ok? You are only a hop skip and a jump away if you consider how far I have travelled in the past year... If you guys need a photographer, (especially a good lookin' one with an even better looking German girlfriend hahahahaha) give us a shout ok? send it to info@michaelwachniak.com
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Photo Update!
Hey Everyone! Everything is going well... nothing unusual around here... oh, Jan 17th we were coming back to Ft Lauderdale and we saw a very small boat with 16 or so refugees making a run for the USA... they were badly dehydrated and they had a hole in the bottom of the boat so we picked them up, fed them and clothed them until the coast guard got them. I imagine they go back to Cuba, but i assume its better than drowning! Kudos to the captain for picking them up... when they got on they said 2 other cruise ships passed right by them without even looking.
In other news, Jan 28th is mine and Grit's 1 year anniversary with Princess Cruises... man what a year! Grit's doing well, but has decided this is her last contract as a steiner... we are planning our next step now. I am coming home for a bit after my contract and she will most likely stay on for a bit and then when i am done, she will walk off the ship (quitting and flipping off Steiner in the process), and then we will fly to Germany and tour Europe for a month or so. Bills will be paid by then, and we will have a good idea of what to do next. Dubai is looking promising at the moment.
In Grand Cayman now... gonna head back to the ship and go to the gym for a bit, then its formal night... meh, whattya gonna do :)
I'm Ron Burgandy. Keep it real, San Diego!
Grit and I on New Years!
Grand Cayman Sea Turtles taste the best...
Grit's first time in Jamaica... she was SO happy :)
MY sexy self walking around the Panama Canal locks Jan 22nd.
The photo team, Christmas Eve 2006. Par-tay!
This is (no word of a lie) Bob Marley's bed. We went to tour his house and went to his tomb as well. I have knelt down 2 feet in front of Bob Marley.
Up in the spa for a full Barber treatment. Shave and a Haircut... literally! (but it wasn't two bits, it was free lol)
Just outside Bob Marleys House and across from his tomb.
St. Maarten. Boxing Day (Dec 26th for you americans haha). Jellyfish sting. Nothing a little Aloe right from the beach didnt clear up! If you have ever licked a 9 volt battery, it feels the same way... but on your foot lol.
In other news, Jan 28th is mine and Grit's 1 year anniversary with Princess Cruises... man what a year! Grit's doing well, but has decided this is her last contract as a steiner... we are planning our next step now. I am coming home for a bit after my contract and she will most likely stay on for a bit and then when i am done, she will walk off the ship (quitting and flipping off Steiner in the process), and then we will fly to Germany and tour Europe for a month or so. Bills will be paid by then, and we will have a good idea of what to do next. Dubai is looking promising at the moment.
In Grand Cayman now... gonna head back to the ship and go to the gym for a bit, then its formal night... meh, whattya gonna do :)
I'm Ron Burgandy. Keep it real, San Diego!

Thursday, January 11, 2007
Re: My Inner-Violin.....
The night I wrote the previous entry I woke up 3:30am to find out my inner-violin was not an inner-violin at all...it was food poisoning :)
I lept over Grit, ran to the bathroom, and literally emptied from every opening in my body....
shortly after I was quarantined to an even smaller cabin for 24 hours, watching the same movies over and over again, and actually getting bored of sleeping....and showering for fun.
they let me out yesterday at about noon, dubbed it "food poisoning" (not norwalk, thank God).... and i was back in my cabin getting ready to work before I could say "oh shit, my sink is still plugged". :(
as for the whole 'terror in the spa' thing about Grit leaving.... i found out ONE THING.... Grit is just way too damn smart to go down that easily. All the emotions over the past while must have triggered this survival instinct in Grit because she had about 15% retail sales before I went into the quarantine, and when I came out her retail was and still is just over 50%.... Germans must REALLY love David Hasselhoff!
Never Piss off zhe Germans, ja? zay vill puneesh you! :)
but....the inner-violin is still playin.... hrmmm.... sickness is gone, Grit wont be going anywhere..... so what could it be?
I lept over Grit, ran to the bathroom, and literally emptied from every opening in my body....
shortly after I was quarantined to an even smaller cabin for 24 hours, watching the same movies over and over again, and actually getting bored of sleeping....and showering for fun.
they let me out yesterday at about noon, dubbed it "food poisoning" (not norwalk, thank God).... and i was back in my cabin getting ready to work before I could say "oh shit, my sink is still plugged". :(
as for the whole 'terror in the spa' thing about Grit leaving.... i found out ONE THING.... Grit is just way too damn smart to go down that easily. All the emotions over the past while must have triggered this survival instinct in Grit because she had about 15% retail sales before I went into the quarantine, and when I came out her retail was and still is just over 50%.... Germans must REALLY love David Hasselhoff!
Never Piss off zhe Germans, ja? zay vill puneesh you! :)
but....the inner-violin is still playin.... hrmmm.... sickness is gone, Grit wont be going anywhere..... so what could it be?
Monday, January 08, 2007
My Inner-Violin
so...I have this funny feeling that things are about to change fairly soon 'round here. The air is sittin' a little thicker than before. Its like when you are lying in bed at night and its totally dark and so silent that you hear your own heartbeat... but when it is SO quiet, and so motionless, you hear this little magnetic hum so faint..... its almost like there can't actually be 100% silence. Thats the feeling I have had for the past few days....that hum. I can feel it. Its like an inner-violin buried deep inside me....playing one continuous note.... to either warn or make me aware of something....and to be honest....i have no fucking clue what. All it feels like is a change, not a bad change and not a good change, but a change.... like a new adventure. And only today about 20 minutes ago did I get the first hint as to maybe what it was.
First, Grit works for a shit company. I cant stress that any other way. She works 14 hours a day, along with all the other Steiner slaves, and at the end of the day, just as they pour their bodies into their beds, they are all individually told that they didnt work hard enough, and really shouldn't be here. This is not the way to live. Sure I bitch about my job sometimes, its what I do. But I can get off in almost every port we go to for at least a few hours and relax. Grit, along with all the other Steiners here, gets 1.5 days off in every 10 day cruise. every other day is 14 hours give or take 1 or 2 hours.
I went to SawGrass Mall in Ft Lauderdale today to buy something nice for Grit (while she worked of course..oh by the way, it was an 18 hour shift yesterday). I found her some aromatherapy satchels that you can heat up and wear around your eyes or your shoulders and I also got a feather-pad for the top of our bed so she and I can have less backaches at night. I know she will love it. Totally gonna pamper her tonight (especially after hearing what I am about to tell you).
I went upstairs just before writing this to see her in the spa, and she pulled me aside and started to cry like she has been holding it in for centuries. She and a few others were told today that they have 7 days to improve their retail sales or they are getting sent to another ship in 10 days.
The Inner-Violin plays on...
So now I am sitting here, at the computer in the crew internet room, day ZERO (well, day 1) of a new cruise....and my 'balance' is spinning like a mother fucker..... if she leaves, I go with her. pretty bold statement, i know, but really its not that crazy. the way i see it, is we would both quit. she has so much talent that she could easily find a job back in germany again. I, would come back home, do SOMETHING, and maybe a month-month and a half down the road, I am off to germany on a 6 month visa maybe assisting some post-nazi wedding photographer or something like that.... i actually know some german now... but i would have to step it up if this was actually going to happen. it sounds like I am in the clouds, I know.... but look at the life I have at the moment. Read back on the shit that I have told you all about on this blog over the last year, and then just BEGIN to think about the shit I HAVEN'T told you about.... moving to Germany on a temporary basis really doesnt sound any different..... its just a new chapter that's all.
Nothing's indefinite yet, she may not even leave at all....but sooner or later the shiplife will stop and something new will come to me....in the next chapter.
The Inner-Violin plays on...
First, Grit works for a shit company. I cant stress that any other way. She works 14 hours a day, along with all the other Steiner slaves, and at the end of the day, just as they pour their bodies into their beds, they are all individually told that they didnt work hard enough, and really shouldn't be here. This is not the way to live. Sure I bitch about my job sometimes, its what I do. But I can get off in almost every port we go to for at least a few hours and relax. Grit, along with all the other Steiners here, gets 1.5 days off in every 10 day cruise. every other day is 14 hours give or take 1 or 2 hours.
I went to SawGrass Mall in Ft Lauderdale today to buy something nice for Grit (while she worked of course..oh by the way, it was an 18 hour shift yesterday). I found her some aromatherapy satchels that you can heat up and wear around your eyes or your shoulders and I also got a feather-pad for the top of our bed so she and I can have less backaches at night. I know she will love it. Totally gonna pamper her tonight (especially after hearing what I am about to tell you).
I went upstairs just before writing this to see her in the spa, and she pulled me aside and started to cry like she has been holding it in for centuries. She and a few others were told today that they have 7 days to improve their retail sales or they are getting sent to another ship in 10 days.
The Inner-Violin plays on...
So now I am sitting here, at the computer in the crew internet room, day ZERO (well, day 1) of a new cruise....and my 'balance' is spinning like a mother fucker..... if she leaves, I go with her. pretty bold statement, i know, but really its not that crazy. the way i see it, is we would both quit. she has so much talent that she could easily find a job back in germany again. I, would come back home, do SOMETHING, and maybe a month-month and a half down the road, I am off to germany on a 6 month visa maybe assisting some post-nazi wedding photographer or something like that.... i actually know some german now... but i would have to step it up if this was actually going to happen. it sounds like I am in the clouds, I know.... but look at the life I have at the moment. Read back on the shit that I have told you all about on this blog over the last year, and then just BEGIN to think about the shit I HAVEN'T told you about.... moving to Germany on a temporary basis really doesnt sound any different..... its just a new chapter that's all.
Nothing's indefinite yet, she may not even leave at all....but sooner or later the shiplife will stop and something new will come to me....in the next chapter.
The Inner-Violin plays on...
Friday, December 29, 2006
This will be my last entry before Saddam Hussein dies...
I have nothing to say other than that.
I mean, I didnt really know the guy.
I mean, I didnt really know the guy.
.....And a Happy New Year!!!
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and Happy New Year!!
Holy shit am i glad that the Christmas Cruise is over!!! It was just a weird weird weird cruise...
you'd THINK that during the holiday season on a cruise with all families, people wouldnt steal.... WRONG! thats when they do it the most!
I caught soooo many people (not just kids but old farts too!) stealing photos from the gallery and generally just being HORRIBLE SCROOGES during the holidays.... arg!
ok...thats it... i'm done bitching :)
I got to see St Maarten for the first time (love it... love it...) and Grit and I had a great Christmas .... we woke up around 9am, opened gifts (with Bony M singing in the background haha), and then we made some tea in our new "Decorate-Yourself Starbucks Mugs" and then we met Stu, Carrie, Matt, Kyla, Thomas and Linda on the gangway and went out to St Thomas..... and my God.... Magen's Bay... I can tell you, it was like the beaches in Ouvea...but damn close...
Beach....Tanning.....Swimming.... and my day off, in a Caribbean Island on Christmas Day :)
Now I am sitting in Fort Lauderdale just a few hours before the "New Years Cruise" starts...
what good fortunes and experiences will be brought my way this cruise?
New Years Eve is formal night (typical. just typical.) and I am shooting portraits in The Atrium until 10:30pm and then after we put the photos up in the gallery, we all go up to the open decks and shoot everyone having fun til midnight, when the balloons and streamers drop. Grit is off at 10pm and i told her she has to walk around with me until midnight hahahaha... gotta have the new years kiss ya know :)
alright folks... its off to the ship again... sleep for a few hours and then work for a bit, then when Grit gets off at 9pm we are getting all dressed up and headin to the steakhouse... mmmmmm, dead cow :)
Happy New Year everyone!!!
Instead of wishing you everything you want in 2007, I want to wish you all everything you need. If you truly need it, you WILL get it.
So Be It.
Holy shit am i glad that the Christmas Cruise is over!!! It was just a weird weird weird cruise...
you'd THINK that during the holiday season on a cruise with all families, people wouldnt steal.... WRONG! thats when they do it the most!
I caught soooo many people (not just kids but old farts too!) stealing photos from the gallery and generally just being HORRIBLE SCROOGES during the holidays.... arg!
ok...thats it... i'm done bitching :)
I got to see St Maarten for the first time (love it... love it...) and Grit and I had a great Christmas .... we woke up around 9am, opened gifts (with Bony M singing in the background haha), and then we made some tea in our new "Decorate-Yourself Starbucks Mugs" and then we met Stu, Carrie, Matt, Kyla, Thomas and Linda on the gangway and went out to St Thomas..... and my God.... Magen's Bay... I can tell you, it was like the beaches in Ouvea...but damn close...
Beach....Tanning.....Swimming.... and my day off, in a Caribbean Island on Christmas Day :)
Now I am sitting in Fort Lauderdale just a few hours before the "New Years Cruise" starts...
what good fortunes and experiences will be brought my way this cruise?
New Years Eve is formal night (typical. just typical.) and I am shooting portraits in The Atrium until 10:30pm and then after we put the photos up in the gallery, we all go up to the open decks and shoot everyone having fun til midnight, when the balloons and streamers drop. Grit is off at 10pm and i told her she has to walk around with me until midnight hahahaha... gotta have the new years kiss ya know :)
alright folks... its off to the ship again... sleep for a few hours and then work for a bit, then when Grit gets off at 9pm we are getting all dressed up and headin to the steakhouse... mmmmmm, dead cow :)
Happy New Year everyone!!!
Instead of wishing you everything you want in 2007, I want to wish you all everything you need. If you truly need it, you WILL get it.
So Be It.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Long Time No Talk!
hey everone! Its been a long long time, almost a month! i am still alive, but have been pretty busy....and Grit has been taking up my time :) yay! I am in Ocho Rios right now, on December 20th, 5 days til Christmas... in Jamaica and its 30C outside :) dont hate me lol.
Lots has been going on, but just to give a quick summary and then some pictures: I have swam with dolphins (and even kissed one!), I have white water rafted in Costa Rica (with Grit, she loved it, hell its better than her last contract in the Baltic...BRRRR), I have dressed up as Freddy Mercury at an 80s crew disco (and won the grand prize: a Motorola Razr cellphone!), I have worked hard and played hard, and things are going good. Lots of friends, everyone is happy, great team, and I am proud to have the life I have. Not sure if there are many contracts after this one or not, I might be ready for something new soon. Grit and I are planning our trip around Europe in the Summer (dont worry, I will be home first for a fair bit...Brooks and Calgary especially!!...Dad, I'm gonna kick your ass at golf, and I might wanna throw in a fishing trip too!)...
How is everyone else? How is the Christmas prepartion process going? We have 473 kids under 18 next cruise... Holy Christmas, Batman! Also, we had a contest last cruise to see who could sell the most Cruise DVDs and I won (I had 20 and the 2nd place behind me had only 8 hahaha) so I get Christmas Day off in St. Thomas...and Grit has it off too!!!
Oh my god, sitting here typing...and guess what is playing on the stereo at the bar here?
Bony M Christmas...
Only the family would appreciate that..... NOW it feels like Christmas :) what are the odds?
ok, photo time, and then I gotta go!
Merry Christmas everyone!
p.s. I am waiting until the festivities start here on the ship before I send anything home so i can send photos of us having our Christmas in the Caribbean ok? I havent forgotten.. I just thought it would be cheaper to send everyone 1 package of everything rather than presents and THEN photos...
Lots has been going on, but just to give a quick summary and then some pictures: I have swam with dolphins (and even kissed one!), I have white water rafted in Costa Rica (with Grit, she loved it, hell its better than her last contract in the Baltic...BRRRR), I have dressed up as Freddy Mercury at an 80s crew disco (and won the grand prize: a Motorola Razr cellphone!), I have worked hard and played hard, and things are going good. Lots of friends, everyone is happy, great team, and I am proud to have the life I have. Not sure if there are many contracts after this one or not, I might be ready for something new soon. Grit and I are planning our trip around Europe in the Summer (dont worry, I will be home first for a fair bit...Brooks and Calgary especially!!...Dad, I'm gonna kick your ass at golf, and I might wanna throw in a fishing trip too!)...
How is everyone else? How is the Christmas prepartion process going? We have 473 kids under 18 next cruise... Holy Christmas, Batman! Also, we had a contest last cruise to see who could sell the most Cruise DVDs and I won (I had 20 and the 2nd place behind me had only 8 hahaha) so I get Christmas Day off in St. Thomas...and Grit has it off too!!!
Oh my god, sitting here typing...and guess what is playing on the stereo at the bar here?
Bony M Christmas...
Only the family would appreciate that..... NOW it feels like Christmas :) what are the odds?
ok, photo time, and then I gotta go!
Merry Christmas everyone!
p.s. I am waiting until the festivities start here on the ship before I send anything home so i can send photos of us having our Christmas in the Caribbean ok? I havent forgotten.. I just thought it would be cheaper to send everyone 1 package of everything rather than presents and THEN photos...

Friday, November 24, 2006
My 100th Post...what now?
Wow. 100 posts. what now?
It has been just 3 weeks shy of a year since I started this blog, and reading back on some of the posts, I just can't believe how lucky I am.
In the past 11.5 months, just off the top of my head I have:
- flown over the International Dateline to Australia
- been blown away by the serenity of the South Pacific Islands
- been stung by a school of baby jellyfish and luckily didnt have to get peed on
- been a pirate in the indian ocean
- crossed the equator in a ship
- drank beer with strangers in a dark alley in Bangkok
- treated a Thailand prostitute's to a free dinner with a friend and then hung out with her in Kao San Road talking and laughing simply because we thought it would be nice for her to have a "night off".
- not only witnessed but photographed a burial at sea
- sat on the beach in Phuket where the tsunami hit the worst.
- rode on and befriended an elephant named "Sweetheart".
- para-sailed in malaysia.
- fell in love with someone who lives on the other side of the planet, and who to this day i have actually spent more time away from her than with her since we met, and we're stronger than ever. (by the way, Grit told me yesterday that she got a call from Steiner, she is coming to work on the Coral in 8 days!!!!)
- took a train to venice, italy and spent 8 hours in absolute amazement.
- survived what could have been one of the worst disasters at sea ever recorded, and walked away without a scratch and standing taller.
- dipped my hands in the famous fountain, and hummed "give peace a chance" to myself at the John Lennon memorial in central park, new york.
- I have crossed the atlantic in 9 days, and woke up at 530am one morning to watch the statue of liberty get closer.
- I have taken a photo straight down from the top of the empire state building.
- i have cried at the world trade center site.
- i have swung from tree to tree on a cable while it was pouring down in a rainforest in costa rica, and screamed to the heavens the whole way.
- i swam with stingrays in grand cayman 1 week before steve irwin died, and i am going to do it again.
- i have soaked up the sun lying on a tube drifting down the great river in jamaica
- i have finally brought home a girl that my family likes :)
- i have learned a few words in over 15 different languages
- i live with 800 crew members from over 40 different countries every day that never fight each other, never steal from, and can always manage to make each other smile. i dont see why the rest of the world find it so difficult.
- i have watched storms all night and past the sun rising over the middle of the ocean, just because i could have sworn that i could have very well been the only one in the world to see it.
- i have walked ACROSS the locks of the panama canal... very little people do that.
the list goes on...all for the past 11 months.
and what now? i keep on roaming.
thats what we do.
like buffalo, we roam.
and then all of it happens.
and we roam.
It has been just 3 weeks shy of a year since I started this blog, and reading back on some of the posts, I just can't believe how lucky I am.
In the past 11.5 months, just off the top of my head I have:
- flown over the International Dateline to Australia
- been blown away by the serenity of the South Pacific Islands
- been stung by a school of baby jellyfish and luckily didnt have to get peed on
- been a pirate in the indian ocean
- crossed the equator in a ship
- drank beer with strangers in a dark alley in Bangkok
- treated a Thailand prostitute's to a free dinner with a friend and then hung out with her in Kao San Road talking and laughing simply because we thought it would be nice for her to have a "night off".
- not only witnessed but photographed a burial at sea
- sat on the beach in Phuket where the tsunami hit the worst.
- rode on and befriended an elephant named "Sweetheart".
- para-sailed in malaysia.
- fell in love with someone who lives on the other side of the planet, and who to this day i have actually spent more time away from her than with her since we met, and we're stronger than ever. (by the way, Grit told me yesterday that she got a call from Steiner, she is coming to work on the Coral in 8 days!!!!)
- took a train to venice, italy and spent 8 hours in absolute amazement.
- survived what could have been one of the worst disasters at sea ever recorded, and walked away without a scratch and standing taller.
- dipped my hands in the famous fountain, and hummed "give peace a chance" to myself at the John Lennon memorial in central park, new york.
- I have crossed the atlantic in 9 days, and woke up at 530am one morning to watch the statue of liberty get closer.
- I have taken a photo straight down from the top of the empire state building.
- i have cried at the world trade center site.
- i have swung from tree to tree on a cable while it was pouring down in a rainforest in costa rica, and screamed to the heavens the whole way.
- i swam with stingrays in grand cayman 1 week before steve irwin died, and i am going to do it again.
- i have soaked up the sun lying on a tube drifting down the great river in jamaica
- i have finally brought home a girl that my family likes :)
- i have learned a few words in over 15 different languages
- i live with 800 crew members from over 40 different countries every day that never fight each other, never steal from, and can always manage to make each other smile. i dont see why the rest of the world find it so difficult.
- i have watched storms all night and past the sun rising over the middle of the ocean, just because i could have sworn that i could have very well been the only one in the world to see it.
- i have walked ACROSS the locks of the panama canal... very little people do that.
the list goes on...all for the past 11 months.
and what now? i keep on roaming.
thats what we do.
like buffalo, we roam.
and then all of it happens.
and we roam.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Random Picture Time!
ok these mexican keyboards are very hard to get used to haha! ok, i am in Cozumel Mexico right now, and i just popped off the ship to send some random pics of this cruise. the zipline tour in costa rica was amazing, and although i didnt get to do the ATV tour in jamaica, the river tubing that replaced it was well worth it. Panama was a real treat too, i actually jumped off the cruise ship at 5am while it was still moving and onto a pilot boat that took me to shore. then i shot photos of everyone on their balconies as they past by me in the locks of the panama canal. i actually walked ACROSS one of the locks to go to the other side... not many people do that! in fact, only 3 people on the entire ship can actually leave at that time, and they are all photographers hahahaha. ok, i am gonna finish the blog entry and then grab some mexican food. then its back onto the ship, i gotta finish feeding my negs through the line and print em off before island night! yay!

Monday, November 13, 2006
Oh me, Oh my!
I just had to mention this, as I am completely stoked about it. On the Crown last contract I didnt go on a single tour/shore excursion through the ship because I either had zero time, or my cabinmate Jacek always beat me to it...
Today, I have not only booked one, but TWO shore excursions for this cruise.
Ready? Get this:
1. Tomorrow, I am joining a small crowd of say 20 people and we are all hopping on our own ATVs (All-Terrain Vehicles) and we are driving up and down the beaches of Montego Bay, Jamaica. After kickin up the sand for a while, we are driving up Mt. Zion (yes, Bob Marley's 'Zion'). I should get quite a few nice jungle type photos with this one!
and finally:
2. In 5 days time, I will be joining again about 20 people, but all Crew this time (Crew Only Tour), and we are doing whats called a 'ZipLine' in Limon, Costa Rica. A ZipLine can basically be described as "that tightrope people dangle from hooks on in the TV show 'Fear Factor'..."
We are going from tree to tree shimmying across a metal zipline, roughly 80 feet in the air...
stoked? yes! scared?
....not yet ;)
Today, I have not only booked one, but TWO shore excursions for this cruise.
Ready? Get this:
1. Tomorrow, I am joining a small crowd of say 20 people and we are all hopping on our own ATVs (All-Terrain Vehicles) and we are driving up and down the beaches of Montego Bay, Jamaica. After kickin up the sand for a while, we are driving up Mt. Zion (yes, Bob Marley's 'Zion'). I should get quite a few nice jungle type photos with this one!
and finally:
2. In 5 days time, I will be joining again about 20 people, but all Crew this time (Crew Only Tour), and we are doing whats called a 'ZipLine' in Limon, Costa Rica. A ZipLine can basically be described as "that tightrope people dangle from hooks on in the TV show 'Fear Factor'..."
We are going from tree to tree shimmying across a metal zipline, roughly 80 feet in the air...
stoked? yes! scared?
....not yet ;)
Friday, November 10, 2006
Woke up this morning 1 hour earlier to a phone call from an equally sleepy photographer saying we are in Cozumel earlier and we gotta hustle to the gangway for pics....
...2 hours in TOTAL and UTTER heat.....no shade (until Royal Caribbean pulled alongside...thank you!)...
now I am on a few hours off so i get to do basically the same thing...take pics in the hot sun...BUT not of passengers haha... some cool places round here... 'Carlos N Charlies' and of course 'Senor Frogs' (done that....many times....).
I think I am gonna grab a cervesa and then hop back into my cabin (with the broken airconditioner...still cold compared to outside)...and then its island night! Formal night is over (last night) and its smooth sailing from here (for 3 days haha)...
Here are a few pics so far that I threw on just cause I could...
...2 hours in TOTAL and UTTER heat.....no shade (until Royal Caribbean pulled alongside...thank you!)...
now I am on a few hours off so i get to do basically the same thing...take pics in the hot sun...BUT not of passengers haha... some cool places round here... 'Carlos N Charlies' and of course 'Senor Frogs' (done that....many times....).
I think I am gonna grab a cervesa and then hop back into my cabin (with the broken airconditioner...still cold compared to outside)...and then its island night! Formal night is over (last night) and its smooth sailing from here (for 3 days haha)...
Here are a few pics so far that I threw on just cause I could...

The Atrium of the Coral Princess.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Random Thoughts And Pictures Falling From the Sky
Hey everyone! I thought I would throw a little update online today...tell all my peeps the DownLow on whats been goin on these past few days. Work is good, getting back into my little groove again... deck 2 cabin sucks my hairy ass....pardon the vulgarity, but there is no other way of putting it...meeting new friends each day, some real cool people here on board. Crewbar is small and insignificant...but a beer or two each night to wind down is simply unpreventable. Formal Nights are still the bane of my existance...c'est la vie!
I suck at ping pong...the Phillipeno's dont.
Panama Canal is amazing...there is literally 1 foot of water maybe 2 on either side of the ship...
Fits.... LIKE A GLOVE!
I am eating super healthy... probably because I have only been to the crew mess to eat ...twice maybe. Horizon Court is where its at. Every meal I have the worlds biggest salad: onions, lettuce, carrots, radishes, celery, bacon bits, croutons, peppers, and a TINY bit of dressing. Then there is the fish (not fried) AND either chicken/steak/pork/all of the above. No Deserts (not holding back, they just simply dont appeal to me...plus I am eating too much dinner haha). Still havent started up with the gym again, but i cant find the @!$#!$ thing haha. Everyone says crew gym is on deck 1.. i have looked 4 times and i cant even find stairs to go to level one!!! The spa has a passenger gym, but I would like to try out the crew gym first and make sure i still know how to exercise still haha.
Grit is still at home in Germany. She called Steiner today to see when she can come here and they said they might have an answer wed or thurs this week. getting impatient here... she is guaranteed a spot here, but its all a matter of when... oh well... she is doing well and we are talking lots. I cant wait to see her, she will love the ship, its so much smaller than what we are accustomed to from past contract. Its a lot like the Pacific Sky!
Speakin of which, get this: first formal night (first day i was here) I grabbed my camera and put a memory card in.... i hit preview to see what pics were already on it, and first pic was.... ME.
WHAT THE !$!%?
Apparantly when we sold the Pacific Sky, we sent all our equipment (including the memory cards) to various Princess Ships... the memory cards obviously came to the Coral, but what boggles me is this: I have had a contract in the mean time. The cards were in plain sight, and not only were they on the ship i came to, but nobody deleted these cards for....6 months! And I could have picked any other memory card that WASNT from the Sky... my first thought:
Wake up Neo. The Matrix has you.
Where's the hidden camera? Is this the Truman Show? :)
Very Syncronistic indeed.... yet hard to decypher the meaning so far....
in the meantime, thats all. I am going to Costa Rica tomorrow. There is a Sloth Sanctuary there, I might not have time to go this turn, but I have 16 more times to go before we head to Alaska.
How is everyone else doin? How's the snow? :) Don't worry, it was about +35C today in Panama before the rain....I will send some heat your way ;) I am all sweaty anyways.
See you all in the NEXT CARTOON!
I suck at ping pong...the Phillipeno's dont.
Panama Canal is amazing...there is literally 1 foot of water maybe 2 on either side of the ship...
Fits.... LIKE A GLOVE!
I am eating super healthy... probably because I have only been to the crew mess to eat ...twice maybe. Horizon Court is where its at. Every meal I have the worlds biggest salad: onions, lettuce, carrots, radishes, celery, bacon bits, croutons, peppers, and a TINY bit of dressing. Then there is the fish (not fried) AND either chicken/steak/pork/all of the above. No Deserts (not holding back, they just simply dont appeal to me...plus I am eating too much dinner haha). Still havent started up with the gym again, but i cant find the @!$#!$ thing haha. Everyone says crew gym is on deck 1.. i have looked 4 times and i cant even find stairs to go to level one!!! The spa has a passenger gym, but I would like to try out the crew gym first and make sure i still know how to exercise still haha.
Grit is still at home in Germany. She called Steiner today to see when she can come here and they said they might have an answer wed or thurs this week. getting impatient here... she is guaranteed a spot here, but its all a matter of when... oh well... she is doing well and we are talking lots. I cant wait to see her, she will love the ship, its so much smaller than what we are accustomed to from past contract. Its a lot like the Pacific Sky!
Speakin of which, get this: first formal night (first day i was here) I grabbed my camera and put a memory card in.... i hit preview to see what pics were already on it, and first pic was.... ME.
WHAT THE !$!%?
Apparantly when we sold the Pacific Sky, we sent all our equipment (including the memory cards) to various Princess Ships... the memory cards obviously came to the Coral, but what boggles me is this: I have had a contract in the mean time. The cards were in plain sight, and not only were they on the ship i came to, but nobody deleted these cards for....6 months! And I could have picked any other memory card that WASNT from the Sky... my first thought:
Wake up Neo. The Matrix has you.
Where's the hidden camera? Is this the Truman Show? :)
Very Syncronistic indeed.... yet hard to decypher the meaning so far....
in the meantime, thats all. I am going to Costa Rica tomorrow. There is a Sloth Sanctuary there, I might not have time to go this turn, but I have 16 more times to go before we head to Alaska.
How is everyone else doin? How's the snow? :) Don't worry, it was about +35C today in Panama before the rain....I will send some heat your way ;) I am all sweaty anyways.
See you all in the NEXT CARTOON!
Monday, October 30, 2006
First message from the Coral Princess
Oi Oi, Geezahs!!!
Ok...where shall I start....
- Vancouver to Vegas to Miami to Grand Cayman via plane... not bad. (first thing i did when i got into miami was....yes.....listen to "Miami" by will smith...."welcome to miami..." haha)
- Staying 1 day in Grand Cayman was good... walked around, saw some places I have already been (and that was cool...not sure why...), had free internet in the hotel, had 2 for 1 Bud light in a bar/grill at night (hey...its still beer). Only slept 2 hours and woke up to the phone ringing and it was the guy downstairs picking me up....slept in haha...oops!
- Got to the ship, saw James Security/Rob Purser/Stacey Tours from the Pacific Sky...alright! Photo Team is really cool..lots of cool ppl, none of them sane by any means neccessary. 6 photogs left last cruise so the cabins are messed up, therefore i am staying with a videographer on...deck 2....Jesus....what did i do wrong? its only temporary though...photogs live on deck 9 here so thats 5 decks higher than the crown! yay! Had 2nd formal night, during which i was the restaurant photo bitch guy thing.....and 3 tables told me I was the nicest and best photographer they have ever seen on the ships... I have 2 more days on this cruise to find them again and introduce them to a little thing called 'comment cards' haha. now its 12:30am...gonna go grab another drink (seeing as how I just found Scotty from the Crown about 20 min ago...life just gets better and better)... i started singing the ports of call song that we made up on the crown and scotty's buddy said 'oh...now i know who you are'...i guess i am popular haha. tomorrow i have no inductions, no laminex to get off the ship with in cozumel, and nothing on schedule til 4pm... guess who is sleeping in? ME! yay!
Summary: Coral-amazing atrium, amazing crew, amazing stabilizers (we arent moving that much side to side), shit crewbar (come on guys...knock a few walls down), and one really hot new photographer...who just joined today... me! lol
oh oh oh, another good thing...msn in the internet room, PLUS a card reader for pics... i can update all the time with pics now!
Getting Grit here in a few weeks or so... and this will be one helluva ship!
see you all in the next cartoon!
Ok...where shall I start....
- Vancouver to Vegas to Miami to Grand Cayman via plane... not bad. (first thing i did when i got into miami was....yes.....listen to "Miami" by will smith...."welcome to miami..." haha)
- Staying 1 day in Grand Cayman was good... walked around, saw some places I have already been (and that was cool...not sure why...), had free internet in the hotel, had 2 for 1 Bud light in a bar/grill at night (hey...its still beer). Only slept 2 hours and woke up to the phone ringing and it was the guy downstairs picking me up....slept in haha...oops!
- Got to the ship, saw James Security/Rob Purser/Stacey Tours from the Pacific Sky...alright! Photo Team is really cool..lots of cool ppl, none of them sane by any means neccessary. 6 photogs left last cruise so the cabins are messed up, therefore i am staying with a videographer on...deck 2....Jesus....what did i do wrong? its only temporary though...photogs live on deck 9 here so thats 5 decks higher than the crown! yay! Had 2nd formal night, during which i was the restaurant photo bitch guy thing.....and 3 tables told me I was the nicest and best photographer they have ever seen on the ships... I have 2 more days on this cruise to find them again and introduce them to a little thing called 'comment cards' haha. now its 12:30am...gonna go grab another drink (seeing as how I just found Scotty from the Crown about 20 min ago...life just gets better and better)... i started singing the ports of call song that we made up on the crown and scotty's buddy said 'oh...now i know who you are'...i guess i am popular haha. tomorrow i have no inductions, no laminex to get off the ship with in cozumel, and nothing on schedule til 4pm... guess who is sleeping in? ME! yay!
Summary: Coral-amazing atrium, amazing crew, amazing stabilizers (we arent moving that much side to side), shit crewbar (come on guys...knock a few walls down), and one really hot new photographer...who just joined today... me! lol
oh oh oh, another good thing...msn in the internet room, PLUS a card reader for pics... i can update all the time with pics now!
Getting Grit here in a few weeks or so... and this will be one helluva ship!
see you all in the next cartoon!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Ok...Calgary update...and my new ship!
Wow, its been a while? (cracks knuckles, clears throat...)
I came to Calgary last Thursday... guess that would be a week ago already. I stayed with good buddy Graham from FS (aka. retail hell), and saw most of my friends, which was really really good. I took a 128 block roundtrip walk from Marda Loop up through downtown then up through my old stompin grounds north of downtown , stopping for a bite and a Cherry-Rootbeer shake at Peter's Drive-In, and finally back from whence I came (feet didnt even hurt the next day, so nyah!).
I also heard back from Princess Cruises Head Office saying that I can switch from the Star Princess to the Coral Princess for my next ship so that Grit could get on with me, so I gladly accepted it and immediately called everyone I know shouting with glee (I think I actually did shout the word "Glee"... who does that? I do!) So now that I accepted it, I had to cut my Calgary trip short and make a B-Line for Brooks so I could at least see my dad for the once small now smaller period of time... oh, and about to get smaller...read on...
I get to Brooks yesterday, everything goes perfectly, I set up my Dad's stereo system and all the trimmings in his new place (huge and so nice), and then I get an email from Head Office about my flight details....
Now I leave Oct 28th 7:48pm from Vancouver to Vegas, have a 1 hour stay in Vegas, and then fly to Miami, watch the sunrise and chill for a few hours, and then fly to Grand Cayman Island for noon on Sunday the 29th... good news is I get a full day, night, and overnight alone and unsupervised in Grand Cayman to do whatever the Hell I want (pun intended, click on link). Bad news is now my trip visiting my Dad and Anne (whom i have not seen since January) has gone from a pathetic 5 days, down to 3.5 days, to a soggy and under par 2 days...
(I know I know, most of you are probably thinking "wow, such a rough life you lead Mike...poor world traveller")
Screw Grand Cayman, I want time with my dad...
I think I'll just have to plan a much better visit next time I am back. I am spending a month at home next time, and then Grit and I are gonna find an old VW van and tour Europe for a few weeks (Josh and Graham, are we meeting in Rome or Naples?) :)
ok so... everything is going good, but everything is stressfull and I guess I just gotta make the best of what time I have with my friends and family... which is kinda what we all should be doing anyways...
K, I am gonna go for a run to my dad's work and then run to have lunch with him.... ciao!
I came to Calgary last Thursday... guess that would be a week ago already. I stayed with good buddy Graham from FS (aka. retail hell), and saw most of my friends, which was really really good. I took a 128 block roundtrip walk from Marda Loop up through downtown then up through my old stompin grounds north of downtown , stopping for a bite and a Cherry-Rootbeer shake at Peter's Drive-In, and finally back from whence I came (feet didnt even hurt the next day, so nyah!).
I also heard back from Princess Cruises Head Office saying that I can switch from the Star Princess to the Coral Princess for my next ship so that Grit could get on with me, so I gladly accepted it and immediately called everyone I know shouting with glee (I think I actually did shout the word "Glee"... who does that? I do!) So now that I accepted it, I had to cut my Calgary trip short and make a B-Line for Brooks so I could at least see my dad for the once small now smaller period of time... oh, and about to get smaller...read on...
I get to Brooks yesterday, everything goes perfectly, I set up my Dad's stereo system and all the trimmings in his new place (huge and so nice), and then I get an email from Head Office about my flight details....
Now I leave Oct 28th 7:48pm from Vancouver to Vegas, have a 1 hour stay in Vegas, and then fly to Miami, watch the sunrise and chill for a few hours, and then fly to Grand Cayman Island for noon on Sunday the 29th... good news is I get a full day, night, and overnight alone and unsupervised in Grand Cayman to do whatever the Hell I want (pun intended, click on link). Bad news is now my trip visiting my Dad and Anne (whom i have not seen since January) has gone from a pathetic 5 days, down to 3.5 days, to a soggy and under par 2 days...
(I know I know, most of you are probably thinking "wow, such a rough life you lead Mike...poor world traveller")
Screw Grand Cayman, I want time with my dad...
I think I'll just have to plan a much better visit next time I am back. I am spending a month at home next time, and then Grit and I are gonna find an old VW van and tour Europe for a few weeks (Josh and Graham, are we meeting in Rome or Naples?) :)
ok so... everything is going good, but everything is stressfull and I guess I just gotta make the best of what time I have with my friends and family... which is kinda what we all should be doing anyways...
K, I am gonna go for a run to my dad's work and then run to have lunch with him.... ciao!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Calgary Trip Possibly this Week!
Hey everyone!
Grit left yesterday for home (Germany) and I got a call today at 4pm saying she made it home safe....her luggage though, is still either in Vancouver or London.... the funny thing is, so is everyone else's luggage from that flight lol. Go British Airways Go! They must have found some Atomic Toothpaste or maybe some Explosive Water....sheesh.
Ok so now the house is VERY empty and boring, but its giving me time to get certain things done, and plan my trip to Calgary! I am thinking of coming this Thursday or so, and maybe spending a few days in Brooks with my Dad, and then Monday or so coming back to Calgary to visit for a few days. Is anything going on in Calgary in the next week or two? Anyone wanting a coffee or a pint O' the good stuff? A few of you I already have spoken to, and some want coffee, some want clubbin, either I am ok with. I just want to BE in Calgary for one. I haven't been there since the first few days of January, so I have quite a few things I have planned for just me walking around alone. I might want to do an Elbow Falls run if anyone is interested. This year was the first Canada Day that I haven't gone to Elbow Falls for sunrise pics in...4 years is it? Correct me if I am wrong for those of you who know lol.
It will be nice to just BE in CowTown. Walking around Chinook Mall, Jogging down Centre St Bridge, Sayin Hi to the gang NorthLand Mall Future Shop, Delivering Pizzas around the University (ok maybe not the last one lol). I probably wont see Calgary for another 6 months to a year because I am heading out back to the ships in November so I gotta make it a good trip :)
Lookin forward to seeing you Calgary!
My last view of Calgary as I was on the plane for White Rock BC in January 06.
Grit left yesterday for home (Germany) and I got a call today at 4pm saying she made it home safe....her luggage though, is still either in Vancouver or London.... the funny thing is, so is everyone else's luggage from that flight lol. Go British Airways Go! They must have found some Atomic Toothpaste or maybe some Explosive Water....sheesh.
Ok so now the house is VERY empty and boring, but its giving me time to get certain things done, and plan my trip to Calgary! I am thinking of coming this Thursday or so, and maybe spending a few days in Brooks with my Dad, and then Monday or so coming back to Calgary to visit for a few days. Is anything going on in Calgary in the next week or two? Anyone wanting a coffee or a pint O' the good stuff? A few of you I already have spoken to, and some want coffee, some want clubbin, either I am ok with. I just want to BE in Calgary for one. I haven't been there since the first few days of January, so I have quite a few things I have planned for just me walking around alone. I might want to do an Elbow Falls run if anyone is interested. This year was the first Canada Day that I haven't gone to Elbow Falls for sunrise pics in...4 years is it? Correct me if I am wrong for those of you who know lol.
It will be nice to just BE in CowTown. Walking around Chinook Mall, Jogging down Centre St Bridge, Sayin Hi to the gang NorthLand Mall Future Shop, Delivering Pizzas around the University (ok maybe not the last one lol). I probably wont see Calgary for another 6 months to a year because I am heading out back to the ships in November so I gotta make it a good trip :)
Lookin forward to seeing you Calgary!

Friday, October 13, 2006
One Less Fear...
I have a fear. Well...HAD a fear. This is going to sound funny. I went swimming tonight with Grit, Hill, and Kaia, and it occured to me that I have never actually DOVE off of a diving board. I have JUMPED off a diving board many times, but I have never done the typical 'head first arms stretched' kinda dive. When asked why not by my sister, my only reply was "I dont really know". I think I was scared at some point in my childhood and then never really had a NEED to dive into water before (funny, I work/live in the middle of the ocean). Anyways, so I kinda chuckled to myself and said "well, I guess a fear is a fear is a fear, so lets get this FIRST dive over with just to get it out of my system"...
so up the diving board I went (its only 2 feet off the water)...
and when I got to the end...
(dare i say this. stop reading now please)...
I froze.
what the hell?!
27 years of NOT diving and now I simply CANT.
Long story short: A lot of time passed, I felt like a total puss and finally did it and (to my own accord) after many attempt I also perfected it...sorta.
Moral of the story: I said it before..A Fear is a fear is a fear.... it doesn't matter what degree it is, it can be overcome.
I have many fears, but what I am slowly finding out in life is that I am growing less afraid to overcome them. Today I overcame a fear, and as silly as it was, it felt so good beating it. I am asking you (yes I am talking to YOU) that the day you read this, whatever day TODAY is for you....TRY to overcome a fear. Even if its something childish like mine was....just go ahead and fight it.
There's a lot of things in life to be afraid of, erase one of them today.
quotes on fear:
"Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed." (har har)
Michael Pritchard
"You don't face your fears, you stand up to them."
"Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared."
Eddie Rickenbacher
and my personal favorite:
"He who loses wealth loses much; he who loses a friend loses more; but he that loses courage loses all."
so up the diving board I went (its only 2 feet off the water)...
and when I got to the end...
(dare i say this. stop reading now please)...
I froze.
what the hell?!
27 years of NOT diving and now I simply CANT.
Long story short: A lot of time passed, I felt like a total puss and finally did it and (to my own accord) after many attempt I also perfected it...sorta.
Moral of the story: I said it before..A Fear is a fear is a fear.... it doesn't matter what degree it is, it can be overcome.
I have many fears, but what I am slowly finding out in life is that I am growing less afraid to overcome them. Today I overcame a fear, and as silly as it was, it felt so good beating it. I am asking you (yes I am talking to YOU) that the day you read this, whatever day TODAY is for you....TRY to overcome a fear. Even if its something childish like mine was....just go ahead and fight it.
There's a lot of things in life to be afraid of, erase one of them today.
quotes on fear:
"Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed." (har har)
Michael Pritchard
"You don't face your fears, you stand up to them."
"Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared."
Eddie Rickenbacher
and my personal favorite:
"He who loses wealth loses much; he who loses a friend loses more; but he that loses courage loses all."
Thursday, October 05, 2006
A Pirate Looks at his Logo...
Decided that I would throw some color onto my blog, so I started making a logo in photoshop... I found an older photo of me sitting atop a cliff in Banff with my hand in the air (most of you know it as the splash screen on my photography site), and then found a free world map photo online... after that I started thinking it looked somewhat like a treasure map.... and seeing as how I have dressed as a pirate on the ships quite a bit (and will continue for who knows how long) and actually kinda feel like a pirate sailing the seas quite a bit (and will continue for who knows how long)....it kinda fit. So i played some more.... then i wanted fire.... so i played some more....
3 hours go by....and voila.
please let me know what you think. personally, and i dont really like to beep my own horn...
...but beep beep! i REALLY like it :)
"Yes, I am a pirate, two hundred years too late
The cannons dont thunder, theres nothin to plunder
Im an over-forty victim of fate
Arriving too late, arriving too late"
-lyrics from Jimmy Buffet's "A Pirate Looks at Forty"
3 hours go by....and voila.
please let me know what you think. personally, and i dont really like to beep my own horn...
...but beep beep! i REALLY like it :)
"Yes, I am a pirate, two hundred years too late
The cannons dont thunder, theres nothin to plunder
Im an over-forty victim of fate
Arriving too late, arriving too late"
-lyrics from Jimmy Buffet's "A Pirate Looks at Forty"
Holiday = no brain stimulation = me got no words
Wow, I have stared at the screen for 5 minutes and nothing has entered my mind that is even REMOTELY worth writing down.... I hate being sick...
so...just some random babbling ok? ok:
Victoria was amazing, I will post photos tonight probably. Didnt really do much, got a hotel, went to 'YE OLDE SPAGHETTI FACTORY', had a few pints at Cactus Club, and wandered around aimlessly. While eating dinner (i have to mention this), there was a party of ....50 or so people that came in and sat right beside us...all German Speaking.... Grit's eyes lit up like a cat biting through an extension cord! She didnt talk to them, she only listened. At the time, I thought she should say at least something, but now that I think of it....they were just there eating....just like us... I would find it rude if someone jumped in while we were eating.. (*cough* just like taking photos of people in the restaurants on the cruise ships *cough*) =)
Didnt go to Buchart Gardens. Too expensive. I know I know...I regret it, but hey...40 bucks for us to walk around flowers....yes its beautiful I know, but I can think of at least 5 or 10 places around White Rock that is just as beautiful.....and free!
Last night we rented X-Men 3 and The Lake House. HUGE contrast lol! my mom and Grit wanted the Lake House for its romance, and X-Men 3 just so i can pause it and show them where I am in the movie (yes I am in the movie..check out my blog entry from Decemebr 19th, 2005). I personally didnt care, I just wanted to chillax (love that word). Its the small things in life that I love.... like watching movies with Grit with the subtitles on so she can 'learn' while she watches... in my opinion she understands the movies perfectly, but I can just imagine her checking how words are SPELLED while she watches......foreign women rock haha. Next holiday is in Germany, I'll be doing the same....but with a more spaced out look I imagine.
Today we crossed the border to the states and did some shopping with my mom. Only a few hours, but Grit's passport does now officially proove that she has BEEN to the USA.
Photos for Sale:
I have quite a few people from the US checking out my blog regularily (hi! welcome!). I just wanted to mention a shameless plug for myself to those of you that might not know, and refresh the minds of those who do: if you like any of my photos that you see on www.michaelwachniak.com you may purchase them from myself anytime you want (although it is easier to get a hold of me while I am on holidays, I also sell them when I work on the ships, but I have to wait until turnaround days to send them via snailmail). If you would like to support my work in any way, or have questions about my photos, please email me.
Coming to Calgary:
I am coming to visit Calgary for REAL this time!! Oct 15th or 16th I will be flying out and staying for 2 weeks or so. Anyone wanting to chill/have coffee/ throw something at me/ wander around late at night jumping from building to building/ roadtrips/ all of the above please let me know via email.
thats it methinks...
time for tea. Ciao!
so...just some random babbling ok? ok:
Victoria was amazing, I will post photos tonight probably. Didnt really do much, got a hotel, went to 'YE OLDE SPAGHETTI FACTORY', had a few pints at Cactus Club, and wandered around aimlessly. While eating dinner (i have to mention this), there was a party of ....50 or so people that came in and sat right beside us...all German Speaking.... Grit's eyes lit up like a cat biting through an extension cord! She didnt talk to them, she only listened. At the time, I thought she should say at least something, but now that I think of it....they were just there eating....just like us... I would find it rude if someone jumped in while we were eating.. (*cough* just like taking photos of people in the restaurants on the cruise ships *cough*) =)
Didnt go to Buchart Gardens. Too expensive. I know I know...I regret it, but hey...40 bucks for us to walk around flowers....yes its beautiful I know, but I can think of at least 5 or 10 places around White Rock that is just as beautiful.....and free!
Last night we rented X-Men 3 and The Lake House. HUGE contrast lol! my mom and Grit wanted the Lake House for its romance, and X-Men 3 just so i can pause it and show them where I am in the movie (yes I am in the movie..check out my blog entry from Decemebr 19th, 2005). I personally didnt care, I just wanted to chillax (love that word). Its the small things in life that I love.... like watching movies with Grit with the subtitles on so she can 'learn' while she watches... in my opinion she understands the movies perfectly, but I can just imagine her checking how words are SPELLED while she watches......foreign women rock haha. Next holiday is in Germany, I'll be doing the same....but with a more spaced out look I imagine.
Today we crossed the border to the states and did some shopping with my mom. Only a few hours, but Grit's passport does now officially proove that she has BEEN to the USA.
Photos for Sale:
I have quite a few people from the US checking out my blog regularily (hi! welcome!). I just wanted to mention a shameless plug for myself to those of you that might not know, and refresh the minds of those who do: if you like any of my photos that you see on www.michaelwachniak.com you may purchase them from myself anytime you want (although it is easier to get a hold of me while I am on holidays, I also sell them when I work on the ships, but I have to wait until turnaround days to send them via snailmail). If you would like to support my work in any way, or have questions about my photos, please email me.
Coming to Calgary:
I am coming to visit Calgary for REAL this time!! Oct 15th or 16th I will be flying out and staying for 2 weeks or so. Anyone wanting to chill/have coffee/ throw something at me/ wander around late at night jumping from building to building/ roadtrips/ all of the above please let me know via email.
thats it methinks...
time for tea. Ciao!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Doing so little its borderline scary...
Hey everyone, just a quick update as to whats been goin on in the past little while.
Grit has been here with me for about a week now, and we have been living every day to the fullest.... sleeping in til 1pm or so, sitting on the couch with a coffee till about 3pm, maybe make some toast (she loves peanut butter...i swear having her here is like when Drew Barrymore brought ET in the house...everything is NEW and exciting!!). Last week we went out for supper at Semiahmoo beach with some buds from the Crown (Chantel, Sarah (crazy cat lady hahahaha), Sarah (Flamingo Sarah), Kim (vaguely remember her from the crown), and a few others that came along). It was great, had a beer at "Charlie Dont Surf" and a quesadilla and then walked the pier with some Dolce Gelato....damn good stuff... we also went to a birthday party in Vancouver and saw some old friends from the Pacific Sky (Amber and Kristen). Went to a cool place called CHAI on West Broadway...very very amazing atmosphere...so warm. Aside from those things we have basically just been goin for walks and hanging out... its been sooooo good just to do nothing!
We are getting a ride to the ferries and the two of us are heading out (on foot, no car) to Victoria! We're gonna get a hotel and basically continue our "doing nothing" there for a few days....but we are also hitting up a few castles, walks, and *cough* have to mention *cough*....BUCHART GARDENS!!!! I have heard this place is amazing in the fall, so we gotta go....
as for the next contract... probably November i am thinking. We might request the crown again hahaha. its got a good itinerary then because everything changes in november... turnover day is no longer in New York, it goes to San Juan... (damn good place to be!).... plus, who wouldnt love spending Christmas and New Years in the Caribbean??? :)
Until then though, I have 2 more weeks with Grit and then I am off to Calgary to visit....whoever!!! Which, by the way.... anyone have a place I could crash at? hahahaha
See you all in the next Cartoon!
Grit has been here with me for about a week now, and we have been living every day to the fullest.... sleeping in til 1pm or so, sitting on the couch with a coffee till about 3pm, maybe make some toast (she loves peanut butter...i swear having her here is like when Drew Barrymore brought ET in the house...everything is NEW and exciting!!). Last week we went out for supper at Semiahmoo beach with some buds from the Crown (Chantel, Sarah (crazy cat lady hahahaha), Sarah (Flamingo Sarah), Kim (vaguely remember her from the crown), and a few others that came along). It was great, had a beer at "Charlie Dont Surf" and a quesadilla and then walked the pier with some Dolce Gelato....damn good stuff... we also went to a birthday party in Vancouver and saw some old friends from the Pacific Sky (Amber and Kristen). Went to a cool place called CHAI on West Broadway...very very amazing atmosphere...so warm. Aside from those things we have basically just been goin for walks and hanging out... its been sooooo good just to do nothing!
We are getting a ride to the ferries and the two of us are heading out (on foot, no car) to Victoria! We're gonna get a hotel and basically continue our "doing nothing" there for a few days....but we are also hitting up a few castles, walks, and *cough* have to mention *cough*....BUCHART GARDENS!!!! I have heard this place is amazing in the fall, so we gotta go....
as for the next contract... probably November i am thinking. We might request the crown again hahaha. its got a good itinerary then because everything changes in november... turnover day is no longer in New York, it goes to San Juan... (damn good place to be!).... plus, who wouldnt love spending Christmas and New Years in the Caribbean??? :)
Until then though, I have 2 more weeks with Grit and then I am off to Calgary to visit....whoever!!! Which, by the way.... anyone have a place I could crash at? hahahaha
See you all in the next Cartoon!

Saturday, September 16, 2006
What would you do if I sang out of tune?
There are many times when I write in my blog that I feel like little Fred Savage from The Wonder Years. When I proof-read (yes i do that...sometimes), when I type it out for the first time, and even when I think of what to write, I always get that 'aw, my baby is growin up' kinda feeling lol...and in a way I am. 27 but still growin up. I will probably have this blog when I am 80 and still be 'growing up'.
Anyways, the point of today's entry is that I found a few quotes from the tv show "The Wonder Years" and some of them really sum up feelings I have had over the past year or maybe even longer, but never really had the words... If you listen close enough, I am sure you can hear Joe Cocker's voice trippin' and scratchin' over the bassline:
"I never knew until that moment what it was like to lose something I never really had."
"Love can tear and rip you apart. It can kill you. But if you’re lucky, it can put you back together."
"Change is never easy. You fight to hold on. You fight to let go."
"In your life you meet people. Some you never think about again. Some you wonder what happened to them. There are some that you wonder if they ever think about you. And then there are some you wish you never had to think about again; but you do."
"All we could do was close our eyes, and wish that the slow song would never end."
the list goes on...
Anyways, the point of today's entry is that I found a few quotes from the tv show "The Wonder Years" and some of them really sum up feelings I have had over the past year or maybe even longer, but never really had the words... If you listen close enough, I am sure you can hear Joe Cocker's voice trippin' and scratchin' over the bassline:
"I never knew until that moment what it was like to lose something I never really had."
"Love can tear and rip you apart. It can kill you. But if you’re lucky, it can put you back together."
"Change is never easy. You fight to hold on. You fight to let go."
"In your life you meet people. Some you never think about again. Some you wonder what happened to them. There are some that you wonder if they ever think about you. And then there are some you wish you never had to think about again; but you do."
"All we could do was close our eyes, and wish that the slow song would never end."
the list goes on...
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Another Crew Home Safe...
4:30am. home. 7 hour wait in jfk earlier. hungover (dont mention any alchohol for at least a month or two). miss the ship. miss the friends. already showed my mom the buffalo dvd. already had timmies. goin to bed now.
waking up....whenever i feel like it.
vacation starts...... now.
waking up....whenever i feel like it.
vacation starts...... now.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Damn Tropical Storm...I am packing!
ok, so no Bermuda on my last cruise... how pissed am I? Today I was supposed to have a full day off in St Thomas, but the new guy Paul (God Rest his soul lol) didnt have a laminex and therefore couldnt not leave the ship, and therefore I had to do his fire course... which really threw off my groove. It was however a great day because i spent the morning putting massive fireballs out with various extinguishers on a hill overlooking the ocean. I am glad that tomorrow is my last formal night (yay!) and I will be home soon, but DAMMIT do i need to have a fucked up Bermuda too?! So instead of seaday, Bermuda, seaday.... its Seaday THRICE!!!!!
(not impressed)...
Hurricane season really chaps my ass...ya know?
oh well.
I am glad that I have to pack now though. Yes i said GLAD to pack. I have never really hated packing, as I think I am used to it by now.
(insert Littlest Hobo theme song right about...... now)
I move. We all move. We all change. Change is good. Change is bad. But Change is necessary. I dont expect to stop anytime soon, I dont think lol.
Things I am looking forward to in the next 2 weeks:
- first bath since May....mmmmm.
- walks with sister Hillory, niece Kaia, and dog(s) Adobe, Reuben, and Ava (mommy doberman and the kids).
- Grit coming to visit sep 22nd. (so happy i just peed a little)
- Moby Dick fish and chips on the beach in White Rock (and the gang from the Crown that lives in Lower Mainland, you are all comin with me... this shit is addictive!)
- chillin with my mom (hey shut up lol)
- planning on my trip to calgary (best time to visit, please email me!)
- planning ANYTHING with my dad.
....but the one that beats them all out for the number 1 spot... (sorry Grit):
Tim Horton's Coffee. XL 2c 3s.
God Bless us, everyone. =)
(not impressed)...
Hurricane season really chaps my ass...ya know?
oh well.
I am glad that I have to pack now though. Yes i said GLAD to pack. I have never really hated packing, as I think I am used to it by now.
(insert Littlest Hobo theme song right about...... now)
I move. We all move. We all change. Change is good. Change is bad. But Change is necessary. I dont expect to stop anytime soon, I dont think lol.
Things I am looking forward to in the next 2 weeks:
- first bath since May....mmmmm.
- walks with sister Hillory, niece Kaia, and dog(s) Adobe, Reuben, and Ava (mommy doberman and the kids).
- Grit coming to visit sep 22nd. (so happy i just peed a little)
- Moby Dick fish and chips on the beach in White Rock (and the gang from the Crown that lives in Lower Mainland, you are all comin with me... this shit is addictive!)
- chillin with my mom (hey shut up lol)
- planning on my trip to calgary (best time to visit, please email me!)
- planning ANYTHING with my dad.
....but the one that beats them all out for the number 1 spot... (sorry Grit):
Tim Horton's Coffee. XL 2c 3s.
God Bless us, everyone. =)
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Random Pics whilst in BarefootBar in Grand Turk
ducky ducky what?
there, i said it. for those it makes sense to, i love all of you and miss you terribly. for everyone else, wait for the dvd lol.
now for some random pics....

Grit and her best friend on the Star Princess, Natalia... 15.5 more days til i am with her lol

ok...um....this...is....um.... me and maggie, and cruise staff: jacinta and cameron
this was the night before the youth staff left last cruise... this is on dvd and i can tell you its amazing lol.....
ok, this is bermuda. aside from that, this pic is just a cool picture.
some of my best friends. they will always be with me.
this is the buffalo crew. where do i begin. buffalo is: drink with your left hand all day except for 1230am-1am then you go to your right. if you get caught in the wrong....you finish your drink. thus, best friends and worst enemies lol.
there, i said it. for those it makes sense to, i love all of you and miss you terribly. for everyone else, wait for the dvd lol.
now for some random pics....

Grit and her best friend on the Star Princess, Natalia... 15.5 more days til i am with her lol

ok...um....this...is....um.... me and maggie, and cruise staff: jacinta and cameron

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